
Meteorological measurements from Bonn


Weather station in Bonn

Standard meteorological measurement obtained at the Meteorological Institute of the University of Bonn

Weather data Bonn

Rain observations


CPEX-LAB Rain Radars Bonn/Jülich

Measurements of two rain radars located in Bonn and Jülich. Shown is the composite of the two radars as a movie spanning over the last 2 hours.

Rain data Bonn / Jülich

Observations at JOYCE

Radar measurements JOYCE

Ceilometer measurements JOYCE

Cloudnet Classification JOYCE

Measurement of a vertical pointing cloud radar located at JOYCE. Graphs show todays cloud situation measured over the Forschungszentrum

Measurement of the Ceilometer located at JOYCE. Graphs show todays aerosol layers and cloud bases measured over the Forschungszentrum Jülich

Results of the automated Atmospheric target classification algorithm CloudNet

Radar measurements JOYCE

Ceilometer measurements JOYCE

Cloudnet Classification JOYCE


Last Modified: 18.10.2024