CPEX-LAB News: All about recent developments, new projects summer schools and outreach activities!!!
What does CPEX-LAB do? Who are the people behind? How to contact us? Want to know more about the CPEX-LAB profile than this link leads you the way…
The Jülich Observatory for Cloud Evolution (JOYCE) and the two X-band precipitation radars (in Bonn and Jülich) are at the forefront of CPEX-LAB. These state-of-the-art, active and passive measurement sensors are the core of the Clouds and Precipitation measurement infrastructure. More information…
Slider Study & Early Career Answers of the questions what and where to study CPEX-LAB related subject you will fine under Study & Early Career. But also, doctoral study project offers of scientific trainings you can find here…
Training Folder
News Folder
Developing new approaches and techniques in sensing the cloudy atmosphere with active and passive microwave techniques in synergy with other observations and modelling
Quantifying the role of clouds and precipitation in the Earth system via coupled observational and modelling approaches
Improving short-term predictions of severe weather via exploiting synergies between ground- and satellite-based remote sensing and data assimilation
Optimizing the use of renewable energy in term of solar radiation and wind in a highly variable environments via characterizing suitable locations and short-term atmospheric forecasting
A competence center of