About us

CPEX-LAB pools the existing competence within Geoverbund ABC/J to tackle the scientific and technical challenges of observing, understanding and predicting the evolution and dynamics of clouds and precipitation by using passive and active remote sensing. 

Clouds and precipitation dominate our perception of weather and strongly influence our daily life. Due to their increasing impact on vulnerable infrastructures and renewable energy applications, they have become an economic factor. Many applications rely on our still inappropriate ability to observe and predict the evolution of the cloudy atmosphere. 

Scientists from CPEX-LAB lead the scientific developments in Germany in ground-based microwave remote sensing, which is the sole technology able to penetrate and provide information from within the cloudy atmosphere. Together with international research groups, they aim at entangling the cloud-precipitation nexus through observations and high-resolution modelling in cooperation with the Centre for High-Performance Scientific Computing in Terrestrial Systems (HPSC TerrSys).

  • acts from within Geoverbund as a central lever to better structure the Geoverbund research activities in meteorology, remote sensing, applied mathematics, engineering, computer sciences and terrestrial research in the area of clouds and precipitation,
  • guides and accelerates the development of future observation and data assimilation capabilities, and
  • detects and exploits synergies in cloud and precipitation research, teaching and applications. 

CPEX-Lab combines four focus areas for better understanding and prediction of clouds and precipitation in the Earth system.

CPEX-LAB Coordinator

CPEX-LAB Contacts

CPEX-Lab Scientific Committee

Last Modified: 03.12.2024